Friday, May 15, 2015

Til Death Do Us Part...

I wrote the first part to this blog, "For Better or Worse...", with Endless Pursuit (check it out here)
 a few months ago. 

Here's part two:

"However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband." -Ephesians 5:33

Entering into this journey of marriage, I had no idea what to expect. I had some great ideas for what I wanted my marriage to be and what I wanted it to look like (and what I didn't want), but like most life "experiences" until you're IN it, you really don't fully understand.

As a Christian, I know that the model of marriage is one of the most beautiful things that God designed. For King & County's lyrics of, "Some sort of magic how two can turn into one..." beautifully exclaims that intimate bond between husband and wife, but as we all know staying bonded together is a lot easier said than done.

When you add sickness and the stress that comes with that, on top of the everyday life gunk... you really start to learn that in order for your marriage to survive in a world of 50% divorce, you have to fight for it. Loving each other threw the mundane parts of life and to liking each other at the end of the day, means that we have to fight for it. Movies make it seem easy to do, but reality is that it's not.

Marriage for us means praying, forgiving, giving, sharing, sacrificing, throw-up bowls, hospitals stays, medication, ice-packs on sore muscles, band-aids on toes (I have a hatred of cuts on toes), and the list goes on and on.

There is so much amazing good, but only if we continue to really push through for that. We have learned so much, but have still so much more to learn and so much more to grow.

Today, May 15,  we celebrate five years of marriage! We celebrate, we rejoice, we dance because we are thankful that we have each other as life partners on this crazy, life ride. Five years of forging two lives into one. Five years in on a lifelong journey, til death do us part.

(I love you, Husband. <3)

(P.S. Happy Birthday! :) )

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