Fatigue /fəˈtēɡ/: extreme tiredness, typically resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness
Lassitude (MS Fatigue):
Lassitude (MS Fatigue):
- Generally occurs on a daily basis
- May occur early in the morning, even after a restful night’s sleep
- Tends to worsen as the day progresses
- Tends to be aggravated by heat and humidity
- Comes on easily and suddenly
- Is generally more severe than normal fatigue
- Is more likely to interfere with daily responsibilities (National MS Society, 2015)
This is what I dislike most about MS, the 1:30 debate in my head of whether or not I should cancel our plans for the evening because I woke up exhausted. Even though I slept well (for at least 8 hours), I woke up feeling as if I haven't slept for days.
The dislike of this MS-fatigue is a two-parter... I dislike ,with a passion, how I can't seem to explain this to others. When I try to come up with an analogy that can somehow bridge the gap between their world and mine, it always ends with the listener having a puzzled look on their face. And questions of, "aren't you taking medication/did the treatment not help/did you have some coffee yet?" etc, etc , etc. (Followed by me trying to explain that the treatments will not stop the symptoms from happening, but that they are just there to help manage the symptoms. BUT, they may or may not help all of the time. AND that no amount of sleep can help dissolve MS fatigue or other symptoms completely. etc, etc,)
To put it simply, there isn't a simple answer, really. Though I do have somewhat of a grasp on managing symptoms and MS, it's still like being a merry-go-round (in a tornado with hands that aren't strong enough to grasp the bar tight enough.)
I have to take this day by day, hour by hour. I have to try to not feel bad for having to cancel plans because some days, most days honestly, my body just "can't even" with anything else other than our day to day routine.
My IVIG nurse have me some great advice the other day... she asked me, what would I expect out of someone else in my situation. I said that I would expect that person to do their best, give the rest to God and take it day by day.
She told me that I need to give myself those same expectation. Nothing more, nothing less. (I have the best nurses :) )